Interestingly, since you’re six, your birthday is on the same day I actually gave birth to you – on a Sunday. Here’s a fun fact: I actually went into labor in church, while sitting in the choir loft! I started having contractions, and they were, ahem, pretty strong. I kept thinking I should get up, but your father, who sat on the other side of the choir loft, would look over to my side to check on me at least 937 times each Sunday (because of that one time I might have fainted in church while pregnant), and I knew if I got up, it would alarm him, so I stayed. But I will never forget standing up, or trying to stand up, for the closing prayer, in the middle of a contraction. Needless to say, we left after first service that Sunday.
This has been a big year for you. You graduated from preschool and started KINDERGARTEN at Lancaster Christian Academy, and you love it (although maybe not always the getting up at 6:00 AM for school…). You excel at academics, and are in the Magnet program, which means some of your subjects are geared towards fast learners, which you are. You love your teacher, Mrs. Gresh (who just went on maternity leave), and you love your friends, and you especially love that there’s a playground right outside your classroom door!
Of course, we did our annual Mommy Reagan date to the Aquarium restaurant and walk around the Opry Mills hotel. I have to tell you, those dates are really one of the highlights of my year. This time you chose to wear a tie, since it was a date, and asked to wear Daddy’s cologne. You were one handsome date!
Since your last birthday, we made two trips to PA, once in the summer and once at Christmas, to spend time with Aunt Dawn, Uncle Mike, Hunter, Pop-Pop and Nana, and so many of the people you love. You also got to know, and love, Hunter’s girlfriend, Amanda. And of course, we had to go see Gran Jan at her condo in Panama City Beach. You sure loved how much she played with you!
We also decided at Christmas to start focusing on experiences instead of gifts, so instead of a big Christmas present, we took you and your sister, Marella, to Wilderness at the Smokies, and indoor water park, which you both LOVED, and to be honest, so did Daddy and I. We’re already talking about when we can go back.
Now that you’re getting older, we’re starting to give you more freedom. After a few years of having to stay on the front porch when Daddy or I were inside, you are now allowed to play in the front yard. Most of the time, you handle your freedom well (but we won’t talk about the time(s) you were caught playing in the dirt after Daddy or I told you not to).
You also continue to excel at cooking, which makes me so happy. You’re getting really, really good at it — you just made an egg casserole almost entirely by yourself, with just a little supervision from Mommy. It’s one of the things we do together that I love so, so much.
You are GREAT at reading, and will often spell out words you see and ask me what they are. Daddy and I both love to read, so I have a feeling it’s something you will love as well.
Reagan, you are an incredibly sweet, thoughtful, sensitive, caring little boy. You are an excellent big brother, and often think of your little sister. Just the other week, when you and I went on our weekly grocery shopping trip, you were picking out your ‘treat,’ a matchbox car, and then very sweetly looked at me and asked if we could please buy one for your sister too. Of course I said yes. You two do fight sometimes, which is only normal, but most of the time, you are very caring and patient with her.
You also got a BIG BOY BIKE! I’m so proud of how well you are riding it. You’ve even taken a couple tumbles, but didn’t seem to mind. You are becoming brave and willing to take chances. That, combined with your thoughtfulness, will get you far in the world.
Most importantly, you love JESUS and that makes me the happiest of all. When we were pulling in to the Shriner’s Hospital in KY for another evaluation of your sister’s foot, you said, very concerned, “Mama! We forgot to pray!” and then, all on your own, took your sister’s hands and asked for God to be with us. You are learning to pray for things on your own, and that is AWESOME.
I love you, John Reagan Patterson Thompson. I love you so much it makes my heart hurt sometimes. You made me a mother, and you make me proud to be a mother. God has a very, very special plan for your life, and I can’t wait to see it unfold.
Reagan, I love you to the moon and back times ten million. I will always love you. Always.